Dear Passionate Wordsmiths…
I’m curious…
What kind of Writer are you? What are you passionate about? How does this translate to what you are putting out to the world? What’s stopping you from creating your best work right now and being the writer you’ve always wanted to be?
Maybe you’ve lost your confidence? Maybe you’re feeling blocked? You might be in the process of changing direction in your writing practice and feel stuck about how to progress? You could be lacking inspiration. Whatever the trigger, our setbacks stop us from expressing with our truest Voice and making ourselves Heard. We lose our ability to Trust ourselves like we used to.

starting with a blank canvas…
I lost my Voice for a big chunk of time. It crippled me. I let my writing and everything I loved about it fall to the wayside. Took me ages to get it back. But since re-emerging, I have found a clarity and focus in my work that inspires a confidence that I never imagined I could experience through the writing practice.
So often I come across Workshops that are all about giving you the nuts and bolts about how to write. Creativity is often taught in a constructive way that of course is integral to the foundation of what you are doing..
What’s the point in knowing the nuts and bolts when you don’t have a Voice? What’s the point in undertaking a Workshop that serves to give you only one aspect to understanding and connecting with your craft when you’re struggling with your Confidence?

sourcing inspiration…
The one thing I was never taught or seldom came across when I would attend writing classes was being supported during times that I felt personal struggle with my Writing and understanding Why that was happening.
In this 1-Day Workshop, we get to the heart of the matter. We explore some of your biggest set backs in the Writing process and why they are still surfacing. We spend our day getting proximate with the recurring themes that are inhibiting you from having a more fulfilling writing practice that make you want to sit down to write.

education – what are your writing bibles?
If you had the chance to create the most ideal writing practice for yourself, what would it look like? What would you want to write and share with the world? What publications would you want to write for? Exploring your passion and what makes you excited is the key to firing inspiration. It is what triggers new ideas and gets the wheels in motion again. This is what we’ll be doing. We’ll be approaching the writing practice in a way that allows you to get a far richer understanding about how to best communicate with the world – whether that’s for a publication, a blog post or preparing content for your own clients.
This Workshop is open to all Writers – the beginners, the intermediates and those that have been at their craft for years…Sometimes we need a little prompting, a little reminding about what’s made us stall. When we get close to cracking that open, we get the closest we have ever been to creating our best work…
This is exclusive to 8 participants only. It’s a day of being with likeminded creatives, sharing our frustrations, having a laugh, eating delicious food and staring our Creative Scoundrels in the face without letting them intimidate us…
You deserve to have a passionate and fulfilling writing practice. Unlock yourself and let your work shine…
Learn more HERE
Happy travels, Paula x
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