Dear Book Lovers,

One thing I believe in strongly is that books have a way of finding us when we are ready to receive them. There are books that have come to me during different moments of my life and each time they have presented themselves, it’s as though the meaning behind their message hits me loud and clear.

It has happened far too often to brush it off as mere coincidence and I know, it has happened to you also.

There are messages we receive when we are experiencing some of the greatest changes in our lives and they appear to us when we need them most. It could be that we are facing a massive turning point, it could be that we are reluctant to launch toward a new path that has presented itself to us, it could be that our fear and self doubt come creeping in when we are about to make a huge decision that will change the trajectory of our lives…

5 Books

Each time I have been at a crossroads, I have had support in navigating the next step of that path. The books below are some of my personal bibles and have helped me when I have needed it most:

The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho: A simple and timeless story about following our heart and adhering to our Personal Calling. I have read this book several times over the years and most recently, I have read it again and the impact of its message never ceases to amaze me…

The Power Of Now – Eckhart Tolle: The simplest things are often the hardest to grasp. The message in Eckhart’s book is something I try to practice daily…It’s a work-in-progress for me. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got it, other times, I feel like I’m at the starting point. Regardless, it’s simplicity is what strikes me the most – the art of conscious and mindful awareness to be present to our everyday and catching ourselves in each moment….

Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert: When I was just starting to plant seeds for Mediterranean Wanderer, this book came my way. For those of you wanting to pursue your passion, follow what you love and dive into your creative pursuits, this will be your greatest anchor…

Leveraging The Universe – Mike Dooley: I cannot emphasise enough how impactful this book has been to me. It’s about the enormity of power we encompass within ourselves and how we are the sole Architects of our lives. Meaning, that the way we chose to design the type of life we want, is based on whether or not we choose to focus on limiting beliefs that keep us small or recognise and give value to the fact that each and every time we reach out to do what we love with all our hearts, the Universe conspires to help us and move us closer in that direction…No hocus pocus nonsense, just pure, honest, common sense…

Illusions – Richard Bach: I eavesdropped on a conversation when I was standing in line waiting to pay for my groceries when I heard the girl behind the counter talk about this book to the customer in front of me. She was filled with so much passion and enthusiasm as she was describing it, hat I was immediately drawn in. I purchased at my local bookshop that same day. This book will test your beliefs and have you question what’s real or not. It invites you to look at your life and the world through a different lens and it challenges how much you are willing to believe…

Regardless of what we face and how we face it, those messages appear like sign posts and when we are sensitive enough to pay attention to them, it’s as though there is a greater force conspiring to help us navigate our path…

This is what these books have been for me. Illuminated sign posts during the most turbulent times of my life, when the path I am facing has been foggy and dark and the only measure I have in knowing that I am on track, is the comfort of the words in the pages and the sense of hope and magic that they managed to spark and instil in me…

Happy Travels and Happy Reading, Paula x