Dear Risk Takers,
Here’s why I decided to change my life and finally take a Leap one day… And let me tell you, there is no one out there who resisted changing their life quite as much as me.
A little while back I was facing a massive fork in the road. One direction led me down the path I knew well: bored, complacent, predictable, safe, secure and the like…
The other path meant doing what I’d always wanted to do and finally following my passion, but was, as you might assume: treacherous, scary, unforgiving and came with no guarantee of any tangible result…
I took it and dove in wholeheartedly…What happened next? It took me on the most amazing ride of my life…
It shook me, challenged me, sent me wayyyyy outside my comfort zone and made me more awake to myself and life like nothing else ever before.

On location in beautiful Lemnos for my 2018 Creative Immersion Retreat…
At some point, I had made the decision that I was done with feeling bored, safe and uninspired. That the fear of diving into the deep-end outweighed the safety and security that made my life stand still…I needed more.
So I took that next daunting step off the ledge, let go of the past and set my sights for the thrill of an uncertain future. Let me tell you, nothing shakes you up quite as much as taking a step off that ledge…
When you make the decision to follow your Passion, it’s as though everything in your entire being is completely reset. The vehicle you have chosen as your expression, creative or otherwise, serves to push and elevate you to operate from a particular frequency. Everything about the way you approach what you do goes through a complete overhaul. People in your life are invited in, while others begin to drop away. Your tolerance for things that used to once serve you, is no longer the same. You adopt confidence and assuredness that is purposeful and makes you feel completely awake. Things like experiencing fun, happiness, excitement and inspiration that you read about in all the self-development books suddenly make sense. It’s no longer a surface, synthetic fix. It feeds you wholeheartedly because the changes you are making have an inevitable, great ripple effect.

On location in beautiful Serifos for my 2019 Emerge Retreat…
Passion is a powerful thing. It can shift our mindset, it can force us into new ways…The minute we fall into it, we are at once confronted at having both everything to lose and everything to gain…It’s not an easy crossroads to be parked at, but making the right decision inevitably brings an enormity of reward and change.
But that all comes in time. And it comes from making a decision to let go, trusting things to go in a different way and knowing you have the skills, intellect, knowledge and capacity to step into that change…
For those of you who have been terrified to leap, are wanting to connect with your Passion, let go of the excuses and feel inspired, confident and more awake, get in touch: for a one-on-one Skype call with me and learn more…
Happy Travels, Paula x
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